Exterior Shutters Offer Unexpected Benefits

Exterior Shutters Offer Unexpected Benefits

With unusual climate variations happening across the planet with increasing frequency, home owners are always looking for products to help them protect their property and keep inside temperatures comfortable. As energy costs increase, running expensive air conditioning and heating systems will become the least favoured option, saved for only the most extreme weather conditions.

One option that keeps increasing in popularity is to install exterior shutters. These are a very versatile product that not only provide a natural form of climate control, but have a range of other benefits. How do we know that? Because here at Newport Custom Shutters we have been manufacturing and installing exterior shutters for twenty-five years and our customers tell us they have benefited in ways they did not expect.

Low Maintenance and Privacy in One Product

For example, exterior shutters are very easy to keep clean and they also reduce the amount of work required to keep your window glass shining. They reduce the amount of dust that accumulates on the window itself and also on any sills and surrounding fittings. They also provide added privacy and for some rooms in more secluded parts of the house, there is no need for curtains or internal blinds. This is an unexpected cost saving for many home owners.

Another benefit is the added security exterior shutters provide. While they are not security shutters as such, we have been told that they may deter petty criminals who look for easy and opportunistic targets. When confronted by a series of shuttered windows, they tend to look elsewhere.

Energy Cost Savings a Welcome Relief

We have already mentioned the climate control benefits that come with exterior shutters. In summer, they deflect the heat that would otherwise be absorbed into that area of the home. This means that air conditioners need only be used in extreme heat. The opposite happens in winter as the exterior shutters prevent the warm air from escaping through the glass and delay the need for artificial heating. These additional benefits mean our customers continue to save money long after the shutters have been installed.

Multiple Choices in Colour and Finish

Newport Custom Shutters offer this exterior product in both Western Red cedar and aluminium. We source our timber from North America because we like its structural stability. This gives us many creative options such as covering taller and wider openings, and it is very lightweight with excellent acoustic and thermal properties. We supply it in both painted and oiled finishes.

Our aluminium shutters are particularly suited to the harsh Australian climate. Their tilt design makes them easily adjustable to shut out the weather, keeping you and your family safe and comfortable inside. They are available in a range of powder coat colours including wood grain. Don’t just take our word for it. Drop into our showroom and see the full range. We can design a climate solution for every situation.



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